速報APP / 攝影 / Alugha - Multilingual Videos

Alugha - Multilingual Videos



檔案大小:26.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:德語, 英語

Alugha - Multilingual Videos(圖1)-速報App

Publish multilingual videos in the internet with alugha. 1 video X languages!

The world has changed drastically since YouTube. Actually the portal has nearly 1 Billion active users and every single minute more than 100 hours of video material is being uploaded by the producers. From “just-for-fun-videos” or workshops and imagefilms to professional videos, YouTube just offers everything.

A big hurdle for a lot of producers is the language barrier. If you want to reach as many people as possible you either directly use English as default language (and straight away exclude a lot of viewers and accept the fact that they are not happy) or you produce your video in x-languages and then provide them as separate videos on YouTube. Therefore the possible success will be split between various videos and looking at them separately, the success is not as high as it could have been with all clicks cummulated on one video. And also the work and the waste of resources (datatransfer, needed storage space….) is an important aspect.

Alugha solves all these problems in an easy and elegant way. Producers just upload their video to YouTube and then extend it with up to 7.873 languages and dialects (ISO-639-3). No Subtitles, real language / audio. The alugha player then offers the possibility to watch the videos in the preferred language, without having to look for a separate video in your own language.


Besides the player itself, the alugha App also offers a list of all videos which have been alughad already.

Alugha - Multilingual Videos(圖2)-速報App

More and more video producers are using alugha, and the list of videos is already remarkable. Just take a look at our YouTube channel and watch a lot of videos in various languages.

Our channel: http://youtube.com/alughaoffical

Watch new videos in your language daily! Follow us on:

Blog: http://news.alugha.com

Twitter: http://twitter.com/alughaofficial or

Facebook: http://facebook.com/alughaofficial or

Alugha - Multilingual Videos(圖3)-速報App

Google+ http://plus.google.com/+alugha or

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/alugha

Alugha - Multilingual Videos(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad